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The Leaders of Hangzhou Investigated the First, and the Photovoltaic Was Favored Due to Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection.

From:FirstHits:4000Publish Time:2016-05-03

In the afternoon of April 28th, the leaders ofHangzhouGovernment Offices Administration, Health and Family Planning Commission, Education Bureau, Public Security Bureau, Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development and Management Committee and other agencies came to the Golden-Horse Manufacturing Base and visited photovoltaic pilot program of the First.


In the visiting activity, the staffs of the First gave a detailed introduction on the company's photovoltaic power generation program. The city’s leaders highly commended this program and made technical exchange about their concerns with the company’s leaders. The city’s leaders expressed that photovoltaic power generation was an environmental protection undertaking, especially to the environmental pollution control, which owned a profound significance and was worth being energetically popularized.


In the morning of April 29th, Public Institutions Energy-saving Work Conference was held in Hangzhou. The conference has pointed out that it is crucial to raise the awareness of the environmental protection, to promote the environmental conditions, to clarify each department's own positioning, and to learn about the meaning of energy conservation and environment protection. Meanwhile, the conference also emphasized that the development of photovoltaic industry guided to the new trend in the environmental protection and energy conservation, and this industry should be a new pillar industry. In the future, the photovoltaic industry will be welcomed by the public and obtain the steady and rapid development due to its features of green and environmental protection, high efficiency and energy conservation.