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ENLIGHT series PO film

4015 & XUS66250

Product introduction 

ENLIGHTTM series PO is the longest history thermoplastic polyolefin film in PV, with the characteristics of strong adherence to glass, bubble-free during lamination, no residue peroxide, makes it very suitable to encapsulate thin film modules, c-Si modules, as well as flexible modules.

Performance parameter

Properties Test Method Units ENLIGHTTM4015 ENLIGHTTMXUS66250
General gram weight FST Method g/m2 400±20 400±20
Thickness   FST Method mm 0.50±0.05 0.50±0.05
Length FST Method m/roll 110 110
Width FST Method mm
Density ASTMD792 g/cm3 0.88±0.05 0.88±0.05
Melting range FST Method 40-107 40-105
Shrinkage Rate (120,3min) GB/T29848 MD% <2.0 <4.0
TD% <1.0 <3.0
UV-Cutoff Wavelength FST Method nm -- 360
Transmittance1100nm-400nm GB/T29848 % >85 >85
Volume Resistivity ASTM/D527 Ω·cm 1.0×1015 1.0×1014
WVTR ASTM F1249 g/m2.24h <5.0 <5.0
Strength of Peeling from Glass GB/T29848 N/cm >60 >60
Strength of Peeling from TPT GB/T29848 N/cm >40 >40
Note: The gram weight, thickness, length and width of product can be customized.

?Trademark of Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials LLC.